
Communication is the key to success. English has emerged as the language of choice for global communication. Millions of people around the world are learning English and improving their communication skills. However, learning a new language can be a long and difficult process depending on the method you use. The typical method of learning language is through memorizing words and phrases that are often translated into the user’s native tongue. This method takes many years of practice and even then the level of proficiency is questionable. However, the method that is used globally to teach children their first language is based on total immersion in a natural environment. Even though parents, who are often the primary teachers of the child, are not language teachers in most cases, but they do a great job of teaching the child their native language.


沟通是成功的关键。 英语已经成为全球交流的首选语言。英语已经成为全球首选的交流语言。世界各地数以万计的人们都在学习英语,并逐步提高他们的沟通技巧。然而,根据个人的学习方法之不同,学习一门新语言可能是一个漫长而艰难的过程。传统的语言学习方法是通过对单词和短句的记忆并经常借以母语的翻译协助学习。此方法需要多年的学习和实践,即使如此,其熟练和精通水平也是值得怀疑的。可是,全世界用来教导孩子们第一语言(母语)的方法是在一个非常自然的环境下进行的。多数情况下,即使是身为启蒙老师的父母,他们往往不是语文教师,但他们在教育孩子学习母语的过程中做出了伟大的贡献。


Having learned a couple of languages myself and through many years of research and teaching experience, I have come to the conclusion that a very effective method of learning a language is as follows: an initial period of listening to audio-visual materials followed by gradually learning simple responses and finally leading to more complex conversation. Furthermore, for the well-being of our global community, it's important to focus on the contents of our communication in terms of the kind of world we hope to create.




999English is a language acquisition system designed to help students learn conversational English in a systematic and fast-paced learning environment. The system has 9 stages of complexity from the very simple listening /doing stage to the very complex stage of consulting on issues. Each stage has 9 parts which can be covered in a 2-hour session. This system of learning functions in the same way that we learn out first language.

Simply, 999Eenglish serves the need for global communication by offering inspirational and interactive contents that are focused on unity, prosperity and sustainability.



© 999english.com 2015 all rights reserved.

Ramses 蓝星, the founder of 999English, is an artist, innovator and educator.

He has been researching /developing language acquisition methods for over 25 years.

He moved to China in 1990 where he taught and developed curriculums at the Continuing Education Center of the School of the Nations in Macau.

While working in Macau, he was able to help start a language school in Zhuhai -

Across the border from Macau. Subsequently, he taught English at the South-Central University in Wuhan – an industrial base in the central part of China.

In the late 90’s, Ramses began to develop a new system of learning English through songs, drama and live performance. He traveled throughout China with his group performing for thousands of Children …. Ramses has written numerous ESL concepts and songs for Children’s programs on China Central TV, Liyang Crazy English and China Education TV.

Currently, he is developing a variety of materials for 999English conversational English program which can take students from beginner’s level to intermediate within just 50 hours of class time…..

For more information, please write to info@999english.com


在澳门工作期间,他帮助创立了一所珠海语言学校 -澳门边境对面的城市。
随后,他辗转到内地并从教于武汉中南大学- 中国中部的一座工业城市。